Skinny “Scalloped” Potato Casserole

Just when you think the last of the Big Food Events is over for a while …. somebody has a birthday! I no more than finished my weeks-long fuss over coming up with a healthy feast for Easter than I realized my brother’s birthday is next month, and of course he’s going to expect a…


Summer-Shape Up Begins!

This year’s Easter feast was a good one – ham (for the meat-eaters in the family), scalloped potatoes, haluski, cucumber salad, pickled eggs & beets, asparagus, fluffy biscuits, a creamy gelatin dessert and a glorious home-made cheesecake! But delicious as it was, I’m glad it’s over and there won’t be any more Big Meal Events…



What do you get when you combine cabbage, butter, and noodles? You get haluski, an absolutely delicious Polish dish that’s a real treat. I’m not Polish, but I’m planning to make haluski to serve at Easter dinner. I feel it would go well with the traditional ham and scalloped potatoes that my family is expecting.…


High Fructose Corn Syrup – what’s the real story?

High fructose corn Syrup, or HFCS, has been in the news a lot lately. Sometimes it’s viewed as a major health threat, while other times it’s presented as a perfectly healthy form of ordinary sugar. Which is correct? What HFCS is HFCS is a commercial sweetener derived from corn. It is made by putting cornstarch…


Stuffed Potatoes (Two Ways!)

Potatoes are a great food! So versatile, so filling, so healthy!! Potatoes are high in vitamins B and C, they have no fat, and they’re great sources of important minerals like calcium, magnesium, phosphorous, and potassium. That’s all good, but for me one of the VERY best things about potatoes is how easy they are…


Cheesy Spinach Noodles

For me, one of life’s great comfort food combinations is noodles and cheese. The problem is, most cheesy noodle dishes – like the classic macaroni and cheese, for example – are high in fat and calories, and they almost always call for large amounts of cheese, which I never seem to have. And even worse,…
